Member Notice: Proposal to Adopt Member Standards and Billing Practices

Cloverland Electric Cooperative’s (the “Cooperative”) Board of Directors (the “Board”) desires to adopt Member-Consumer Standards and Billing Practices specific to its operations and territory that includes the following general changes from its current practices:

Notable amendments to the Member-Consumer Standards and Billing Practices include the following areas: Definitions, Application for Service, Deposits, Meter Reading Procedures/Meter Accuracy/Meter Errors and Meter Relocation, Billing and Payment Standards, Voluntary Termination of Service, Energy Assistance and Shutoff Protection Programs for Residential Customers, Procedures for Shutoff and Restoration of Service, and Payment Plan Procedures. New rules include: Meter Tampering and Unauthorized Use, Transfer of Service, Failure to Register, Payment Arrangements, Balance Transfer, Online Billing Statements, Invoice Bills, Rights Prior to Shutoff, Payment on Day of Service Shutoff, Restoration of Service for Special Circumstances, Landlord-Tenant and Rental Properties, Formal Billing Complaint Resolution Process, and Rate Selection.

The Board will review and consider a vote to approve its own Member-Consumer Standards and Billing Practices at the December 7, 2021 board meeting in Sault Sainte Marie, MI. The current practices and the new policy with summary of notable changes can be reviewed at the Cooperative’s website: