Forging Ahead: Cloverland’s Innovations in Sustainability and Infrastructure

Posted: April 29, 2024 at 3:23 p.m.

I am glad to share some exciting updates on Cloverland’s recent endeavors and strategic initiatives.

Grant Application: Manistique Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers

In exciting news, Cloverland won the EV charging grant, which covers 80% of the cost of electric vehicle chargers in Manistique. Due to the limited location opportunities that MDOT (Michigan Department of Transportation) provided, Cloverland has selected the Sault Tribe’s location in Manistique as the best option. The next step is completing a cost-benefit analysis to determine what the chargers will cost to install and maintain. We believe there may be a creative solution to install a backup battery with the EV chargers. The backup battery would allow us to utilize any extra power during peak demand periods, offsetting Cloverland’s energy load.

For more information on Cloverland’s recent grant efforts, be sure to read Pat Frazier’s message in the March | April 2024 issue of Cloverland Connections.

Sault-to-Sault Tie Line

We are aggressively pursuing the transmission tie line to Canada. One of the greatest challenges with the tie line is the logistics surrounding the voltage connection. We are reviewing the results of the load flow study, which provides options for configuring the future tie line load. We are focusing on this 10-year-long infrastructure project to set the cooperative up for success for the next century of reliable energy solutions.

Cloverland’s Strategic Plan: FORGING ahead for the future

As part of our co-op goals, we are focused on the strategic acronym, FORGING. The first letter stands for financial stability through economic power supply acquisition, management and vision.

What does this mean for you? We have spent much of the last two years focused on power supply, which has prepared Cloverland well for the changing energy landscape we now face. With the November 2023 passing of Michigan’s new energy regulations, we must look for creative solutions to the challenge of being 60% renewable energy by 2035. While we know we have nearly 50% renewable energy through the hydro plant and the Soo Locks hydro plant operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, it remains unclear if our current energy portfolio will meet the requirements set by the state.

Strengthening Cloverland’s financial position through strategic management of power supply will prepare the cooperative for the future. As we navigate through these transformative times in the energy industry, Cloverland remains committed to excellence and sustainability. Our pursuit of the Sault-to-Sault tie line and strategic focus on power supply management demonstrates our dedication to ensuring reliability and resilience in our energy infrastructure for generations to come.

Through initiatives like the EV charger project and strategic planning efforts outlined in FORGING, we are forging ahead toward a brighter, more sustainable future for Cloverland and our EUP communities.